
ICRL believes that bringing people together to work on a common project or towards a common goal is an excellent opportunity for learning as well.  At present, we are involved with two workshop opportunities (see below), and are always interested in new opportunities for collaboration.  If you have an idea for a workshop that you think is aligned with ICRL’s mission and vision, please contact us to discuss how we might work together.

Cancelled – We are sorry to have to inform you that due to the current coronavirus scare that the Spring 2020 Workshop will be  rescheduled at a future date.

Spring 2020…

Within and Beyond
A Discussion Series
at the
Carroll County Arts Center
Westminster, MD

This series of four discussions will engage participants to discuss the connections and interdependencies between consciousness and art, and what they imply for the world(s) in which we live.  This is a series of four discussions, each for 90 minutes, taking place on the last Saturday afternoons of March, April, May, and June.

For more information, click here.

Summer 2020…

Consciousness Dialogues
Setting the Foundation for Researching Consciousness
August 17 – 19th, 2020
held at the International Academy of Consciousness
Estremoz, Portugal

One of the biggest challenges in researching consciousness (and, in fact, any field) is communication.  People use a wide variety of words – such as consciousness, self, soul, spirit, awareness, etc. – to represent a wide variety of concepts.  Unfortunately, in most cases we don’t realize that our own use of words does not carry the same meanings for others as it does for us.  People think they are agreeing when they are actually talking past one another, and sometimes argue vigorously without ever realizing that they are saying exactly the same thing.

This three-day workshop is intended to establish a foundation for effective communication about consciousness-related ideas.  A group of dedicated thinkers from all walks of life and as many disciplines as possible will convene to lay out a catalog of the concepts that people seek to address – independent from the terminology used to reference them.  We will attempt to establish a description of the “landscape” that we are all exploring, a map that can be used as a Rosetta Stone between different communities to inform us where similarities and distinctions lie within the topics we are studying and discussing.

You can get more information about the Consciousness Dialogues here.