Connected: The Emergence of Global Consciousness

Connected BookConnected: The Emergence of Global Consciousness
Roger D. Nelson

This is the story of the Global Consciousness Project, a unique 20-year scientific collaboration of researchers recording the effects of mass consciousness in response to major global events. Its findings are consistent with the wisdom traditions of many cultures and speak of humanity’s unity and deep connections through love, compassion, and the creative impulse.

Roger Nelson runs the Global Consciousness Project (GCP), an international collaboration studying mass consciousness.  He conducted psi research at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) laboratory from 1980 to 2002, and while at Princeton, created the GCP in 1997.  Interests in psychology, physics, philosophy and the arts facilitate his research at the edges of what we know.  His focus is the subtle interconnections that define an emerging humanity.  Nelson is the author with Georg Kindel of Der Welt Geist: wie wir alle miteinander verbunden sind, published in 2018.

Connected: The Emergence of
Global Consciousness
Roger D. Nelson
334 Pages, 2019 ICRL Press