Brenda J. Dunne, came to Princeton University in 1979, bringing her scholarship in Developmental Psychology and her even deeper interests in the humanities, the history and philosophy of religion, and cross-disciplinary approaches to complement the expertise of Robert G. Jahn, Dean of Princeton University’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Together, they led the work of the PEAR Lab (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research), exploring evidence for the effects of consciousness on random physical systems and processes. Their work has been described in innumerable published articles, Technical Reports and books. At this meetup, she will speak, share and invite attendees to discuss the core concept of their book, Quirks of the Quantum Mind.
This talk will not suggest a quantum mechanical “explanation” of human consciousness. Rather, it will propose something far more radical: namely that quantum mechanics, like any other model of human representation, is both a reflection and a product of the mind, and is fundamentally intuitive, describing a reality of which we are an integral component.
Meetup details: Saturday, April 7th, 2018, 1:00 to 3:30pm at the D&R Johnson Education Center, One Preservation Place (off Rosedale Road), Princeton, NJ. There is no charge, but a $15 donation would be welcomed. Please register through
Listen below for the podcast of the meetup.