Freeflow Stories

Freeflow Stories: Musings on the Passing Scene, 2018-2022
Carolyn North

About every two weeks, since 2011, Carolyn has written a brief piece—like a prose poem—about the state of the world through the lens of her daily life. This latest of three volumes covers 2018–2022. Her purpose has been to tell the truth as gently as possible, and to point out the positive, hopeful aspects of what is happening in the world, reassuring us all—starting with myself—that with creative imagination and love for one another, we can work at making inevitable changes lightly enough to laugh at some of the painful absurdities we find ourselves in.

Freeflow Stories
Musings on the Passing Scene, 2018-2022
Carolyn North
258 Pages, 2022 ICRL Press