February 2025 ICRL Meetup

Liminal Spaces, Folklore, and Anomalous Experience
Kirsty Allan

Join Kirsty for a gentle and fascinating exploration of certain spaces and places that we can call ‘liminal’. Uncover these often subtle thresholds of possibility in which we experience strange encounters, events and beings. From everyday locations we frequent without much thought, to the more seemingly significant – discover how a state of suspension between worlds is only every a stone’s throw away.

This online meetup will be held at 1:00 pm EST on Saturday, February 1st. After Kirsty’s presentation will be an interactive discussion for participants to ask questions and further explore the topic of liminal spaces (and perhaps even some spaces themselves!).

You can register using the below form, or by following this link if you have any browser issues with the embedded form.  Attendance is free, although if you are able to, please consider making a small donation to ICRL via the form to help support ICRL and our efforts like these meetups.

Note: The below Zeffy form automatically defaults to making a donation to Zeffy when you include a donation to ICRL. The Zeffy donation is not required, and you can simply choose “other” and leave the space blank to donate just to ICRL.