In today’s society, it can sometimes be challenging to find the time and environment to engage in deep conversation, to explore what it means to be alive, the nature of ourselves, and our relationship to the rest of the universe – which is ironic, as these kinds of discussions can give rise to profound insights that can help us grow and expand our ability to appreciate every moment.
The Exploring Consciousness initiative establishes an environment for just such discussions. During each session, ICRL’s president (Jeff Dunne) will give a short introduction to the day’s topic, highlighting concepts to explore. This will be followed by a moderated, interactive discussion for participants to share personal insights and offer additional questions for consideration.
These one-hour sessions are held on Saturdays at noon (US east coast time). They are free to attend, but for those who can afford it, we kindly request a small donation to help ICRL keep such events happening.
You can register for one of the following sessions using the form at the bottom of this page, and a Zoom link will be emailed to you the day before the session:
February 2025
- 2025-02-15 – The Feminine and the Masculine
- 2025-02-22 – Language and the Internal Dialog
Future Topics
- The Nature of Time
- Fate and Free Will
- The Nature of Intuition
- Space Beyond the Physical
- Consciousness Commonalities and Communication
- Retrocausality
- Life as Narrative
- Animal Nature
- Consciousness, Energy, and Healing
You can learn about past sessions here.